May 24, 2008

Good Weather – Bad Weather

It’s second half of the month of May and the weather is the exact opposite of what it is supposed to be. Instead of sweltering heat and non stop sweating, which calls for consumption of dollops of cold water, it is the weather in which one likes to sip a cuppa tea (or coffee or any other beverage of your choice) and eat some cucumber sandwiches with it.

One doesn’t encounter weather like this in the capital unless it is August or September. I don’t have any problems if the weather stays the same for the rest of the year either. But the thing that troubles me the most is that two IPL matches have been affected because of this. Both times the Delhi team has been on the receiving end.

It’s Delhi’s last match today and the clouds are getting thicker by the hour. If rain plays spoilt sport today again, it’s pretty much over for the local team. Hopefully there will be a match and Gambhir will score a century. Fingers crossed.

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